Index on Censorship is an award-winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting free expression. International in outlook, outspoken in comment, Index on Censorship reports on free expression violations around the world, publishes banned writing and shines a light on vital free expression issues through original, challenging and intelligent commentary and analysis, publishing some of the world's finest writers.
Index on Censorship was first published in 1972 in response to show trials in Moscow. The idea behind the magazine was to make public the circumstances of those who are silenced in their own countries, wherever that may be, and to publish their work. Since the end of communism, and with an increasingly fragmented world, new and troubling questions have surfaced, some of them challenging the primacy of free expression itself: religious extremism; relative values and cultural difference; the rise of nationalism; the rewriting of history; hate speech; obscenity; freedom on the Internet.
We welcome contributions from anyone concerned with issues of free speech. Our articles range widely from essays to opinion pieces, from oral testimony to fiction and poetry. Index on Censorship is a magazine of record, but we also publish articles intended to promote debate. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the editors, the publisher, or the advisory committee. Index on Censorship is closely associated with the charitable work of Writers and Scholars Educational Trust (Charity Reg. 325003).
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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